Malkavian Clan

The Malkavians are insane, one and all. From madness, however, comes wisdom, and from wisdom comes power. The Malkavians are true creatures of chaos. However, the Malkavians are also known to be clowns and pranksters. As with all things connected with them, not everything makes sense.
This clan is infamous for its destructive and nihilistic members. Malkavians have a reputation for sadistic behavior and for holding little grasp of the humanity they still retain. In truth, such Malkavians are a minority. The members of this clan regularly surprise the Kindred; often they do not seem insane. Some Kindred believe the Malkavians have an undeserved reputation, and have been sullied by a few truly psychotic members. However, remember that sometimes the most normal-seeming people have the least grasp on reality.
The Malkavians have a time-honored tradition of playing practical jokes upon Kindred and kine alike. The nature of these “pranks” can vary wildly, ranging from the harmlessly fun to the potentially lethal. The Malkavians, when they interact with one another at all, tend to award prestige within the clan on the basis of these pranks. Many Malkavians solemnly believe that the Jyhad is a joke created by the founder of their line.
The Malkavians are very picky about whom they Embrace. Typically, only those on the verge of insanity are chosen. The members of this clan search long and hard for those who have seen so much truth that they have descended into the pits of chaos, and thus have unique perspectives on reality. Indeed, if the progeny-to-be is sane, the sire will make the Embrace and Becoming as difficult as possible, seeking to drive the mortal mad in the process.
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