Clan's Hierarchy

The Hierarchy of the clan is as follows.
Only players of equal or superior level than 10 can be considered true vampires. Below that, are considered Vampiric Minions.
Vampiric Minions:
1- Ghoul (Level: 1)
Ghouls are humans who drink the Vitae (blood) of vampires. Just a small drink once a month or so will grant the human super human powers. Generally the power manifests as a point or two of Potence (super human strength), however sometimes after sustaining themselves on a single master, the subject ghoul will start to take on low level powers of the masters clan disciplines as well as his weakness’. A Nosferatu ghoul may after years of drinking his masters’ blood may discover he can hide and sneak around with super human ability, but he would also start to become horribly deformed as his master is. Ghouls are human, they are not vampires, they do not have fangs (normally), they do not need to drink human blood, and they are able to move about in the day light as a normal person. During the day they rule over other mortals with their super strength, at night they are the slaves of the true masters of the night.
2- Revenant (Level: 2)
Sometimes a clan of vampires will find a family of humans and take a special liking to them. They turn them into ghouls and over the generations, their offspring are born with vampiric blood in them. Revenants do not need to drink from vampires to maintain their powers. Revenants are known for long longevity, maybe a couple centuries, and this could be extended indefinitely through the drinking of vampiric blood. Revenant families have the same clan disciplines (generally) as their vampiric masters. Like ghouls, Revenants are human, they are not vampires, they do not have fangs (normally), they do not need to drink human blood, and they are able to move about in the day light as a normal person. During the day they rule over other mortals with their super strength, at night they are the slaves of the true masters of the night.
3- Supernatural Slave (Level: 3-4)
Sometimes the Sabbat (members of the vampiric society) captures supernatural creatures such as Vampires and hold them as slaves be it through powerful blood magics or just fear. They could be enemy vampires, a wraith captured by a Necromancer, or even Werewolves. Slaves have no authority, even over a lowly ghoul, but they have value that puts them third in the hierarchy of the minions.
4- Elder Revenant (Level: 5-6)
This is a revenant of at least one and one hundred years of age and in good standing with a vampire. Revenants, as all minions, generally do not live long, they have a hard life and are constantly abused, and therefore Elder Revenants are extremely rare.
5- Ancient Revenant (Level: 7-9)
Ancient Revenants are one in a million. To become one, an Elder Revenant must be at lease one and five hundred years of age. This can not be done normally unless they are drinking the blood of a host vampire. Ancient Revenants are highly valued and are the kings of the minions. Only Bishops and above may have an Ancient Revenant. An Ancient Revenant is treated almost as well as a Vampiric Templar, they only get beat and mutilated on the most grieves of failures.
1- Templar (Level: 10-15)
A newly embraced vampire is a Templar. Although they have passed the rite of passage and are no longer ghouls, they are the lowest level of the vampiric food chain. Templars are however, full members of the Sabbat and have all basic rights of any Sabbat member.
2- Priest (Level: 15-17)
This is an experienced vampire, maybe fifty years of undead below his fangs. Becoming a priest is the first step up the ladder of command. They generally are squad leaders, overseeing a small group of Templars.
3- Abbot (Level: 18-19)
This is the highest rank of lower management. Abbots are generally highly experienced vampires with a century or so of experience and loyalty. By this time, the vampire is usually quite familiar with the protocol of the Sabbat and is well respected in his clan.
4- Bishop (Level: 20-22)
Bishops are the first rank in upper management. All Bishops are highly respected and are given free reign to pursue their own ambitions as long as their ambitions do not conflict with that of the Covenant (Clan). Any member of Bishop or above is allowed to wear either a red half apron or obi as a symbol of their rank. Bishops oversee specific geographical regions such as cities or in some situations certain hunting grounds/dungeons.
5- Archbishop (Level: 23-24)
Archbishops are the next step above Bishop. Archbishops oversee large geographical regions including a number of cities.
6- Cardinal (Level: 25-28)
Cardinals are the generals of the Covenant. They are usually identified by their blood red robes with black obi’s. Cardinals oversee entire geographical regions.
7- Seraphim (Level: 28 +)
Seraphim are the leaders of the Covenant. They oversee multiple lands. They report only to the Patriarch.
8- Patriarch (Founder of the clan)
The Patriarch is the founder of the Covenant of Vampires. The Patriarch has final say on all things and can dismiss a member at any time, can declare war, and is the lord of all vampires in the Covenant.
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